Marathon Pace Chart In Kilometers – From 1K to 42K

Marathon Pace Chart in Kilometers

This pacing chart can help you determine the pace you need to maintain in order to finish the race within a specific time frame.

The chart in pace per kilometer lists different pace times per mile and the corresponding finish times for common race distances, including the 5k, 5 miles, 10k, 10 miles, half marathon (13.1 miles), 20 miles, and full marathon (26.2 miles).

Be sure to read How to Master Your Marathon Pacing Strategy.

Using This Marathon Pace Chart

Note: This chart is also available as a Marathon Pace Chart in Miles.

Find your goal finish time and match it with the corresponding pace per kilometer.

Marathon Pace Chart In Kilometers

wdt_ID Pace per KM 1 Mile 5 KM 5 Miles 10 KM 10 Miles 13.1 Miles 20 Miles 26.2 Miles
1 3:00 0:04:48 0:15:00 0:24:07 0:30:00 0:48:16 1:03:14 1:36:32 2:06:29
2 3:05 0:04:56 0:15:25 0:24:47 0:30:50 0:49:37 1:05:00 1:39:13 2:10:00
3 3:10 0:05:04 0:15:50 0:25:28 0:31:40 0:50:57 1:06:45 1:41:54 2:13:30
4 3:15 0:05:12 0:16:15 0:26:08 0:32:30 0:52:18 1:08:31 1:44:35 2:17:01
5 3:20 0:05:20 0:16:40 0:26:48 0:33:20 0:53:38 1:10:16 1:47:16 2:20:32
6 3:25 0:05:28 0:17:05 0:27:28 0:34:10 0:54:58 1:12:01 1:49:57 2:24:03
7 3:30 0:05:36 0:17:30 0:28:08 0:35:00 0:56:19 1:13:47 1:52:38 2:27:34
8 3:35 0:05:44 0:17:55 0:28:49 0:35:50 0:57:39 1:15:32 1:55:19 2:31:04
9 3:40 0:05:52 0:18:20 0:29:29 0:36:40 0:59:00 1:17:18 1:58:00 2:34:35
10 3:45 0:06:00 0:18:45 0:30:09 0:37:30 1:00:20 1:19:03 2:00:41 2:38:06
11 3:50 0:06:08 0:19:10 0:30:49 0:38:20 1:01:41 1:20:48 2:03:21 2:41:37
12 3:55 0:06:16 0:19:35 0:31:29 0:39:10 1:03:01 1:22:34 2:06:02 2:45:08
13 4:00 0:06:24 0:20:00 0:32:10 0:40:00 1:04:22 1:24:19 2:08:43 2:48:38
14 4:05 0:06:32 0:20:25 0:32:50 0:40:50 1:05:42 1:26:05 2:11:24 2:52:09
15 4:10 0:06:40 0:20:50 0:33:30 0:41:40 1:07:03 1:27:50 2:14:05 2:55:40
16 4:15 0:06:48 0:21:15 0:34:10 0:42:30 1:08:23 1:29:35 2:16:46 2:59:11
17 4:20 0:06:56 0:21:40 0:34:50 0:43:20 1:09:43 1:31:21 2:19:27 3:02:42
18 4:25 0:07:04 0:22:05 0:35:31 0:44:10 1:11:04 1:33:06 2:22:08 3:06:12
19 4:30 0:07:12 0:22:30 0:36:11 0:45:00 1:12:24 1:34:52 2:24:49 3:09:43
20 4:35 0:07:20 0:22:55 0:36:51 0:45:50 1:13:45 1:36:37 2:27:30 3:13:14
21 4:40 0:07:28 0:23:20 0:37:31 0:46:40 1:15:05 1:38:22 2:30:10 3:16:45
22 4:45 0:07:36 0:23:45 0:38:11 0:47:30 1:16:26 1:40:08 2:32:51 3:20:16
23 4:50 0:07:44 0:24:10 0:38:52 0:48:20 1:17:46 1:41:53 2:35:32 3:23:46
24 4:55 0:07:52 0:24:35 0:39:32 0:49:10 1:19:07 1:43:39 2:38:13 3:27:17
25 5:00 0:08:00 0:25:00 0:40:12 0:50:00 1:20:27 1:45:24 2:40:54 3:30:48
26 5:05 0:08:08 0:25:25 0:40:52 0:50:50 1:21:47 1:47:09 2:43:35 3:34:19
27 5:10 0:08:16 0:25:50 0:41:32 0:51:40 1:23:08 1:48:55 2:46:16 3:37:50
28 5:15 0:08:24 0:26:15 0:42:13 0:52:30 1:24:28 1:50:40 2:48:57 3:41:20
29 5:20 0:08:32 0:26:40 0:42:53 0:53:20 1:25:49 1:52:26 2:51:38 3:44:51
30 5:25 0:08:40 0:27:05 0:43:33 0:54:10 1:27:09 1:54:11 2:54:19 3:48:22
31 5:30 0:08:48 0:27:30 0:44:13 0:55:00 1:28:30 1:55:56 2:56:59 3:51:53
32 5:35 0:08:56 0:27:55 0:44:53 0:55:50 1:29:50 1:57:42 2:59:40 3:55:24
33 5:40 0:09:04 0:28:20 0:45:34 0:56:40 1:31:11 1:59:27 3:02:21 3:58:54
34 5:45 0:09:12 0:28:45 0:46:14 0:57:30 1:32:31 2:01:13 3:05:02 4:02:25
35 5:50 0:09:20 0:29:10 0:46:54 0:58:20 1:33:52 2:02:58 3:07:43 4:05:56
36 5:55 0:09:28 0:29:35 0:47:34 0:59:10 1:35:12 2:04:43 3:10:24 4:09:27
37 6:00 0:09:36 0:30:00 0:48:14 1:00:00 1:36:32 2:06:29 3:13:05 4:12:58
38 6:05 0:09:44 0:30:25 0:48:55 1:00:50 1:37:53 2:08:14 3:15:46 4:16:28
39 6:10 0:09:52 0:30:50 0:49:35 1:01:40 1:39:13 2:10:00 3:18:27 4:19:59
40 6:15 0:10:00 0:31:15 0:50:15 1:02:30 1:40:34 2:11:45 3:21:08 4:23:30
41 6:20 0:10:08 0:31:40 0:50:55 1:03:20 1:41:54 2:13:30 3:23:48 4:27:01
42 6:25 0:10:16 0:32:05 0:51:35 1:04:10 1:43:15 2:15:16 3:26:29 4:30:32
43 6:30 0:10:24 0:32:30 0:52:16 1:05:00 1:44:35 2:17:01 3:29:10 4:34:02
44 6:35 0:10:32 0:32:55 0:52:56 1:05:50 1:45:56 2:18:47 3:31:51 4:37:33
45 6:40 0:10:40 0:33:20 0:53:36 1:06:40 1:47:16 2:20:32 3:34:32 4:41:04
46 6:45 0:10:48 0:33:45 0:54:16 1:07:30 1:48:36 2:22:17 3:37:13 4:44:35
47 6:50 0:10:56 0:34:10 0:54:56 1:08:20 1:49:57 2:24:03 3:39:54 4:48:06
48 6:55 0:11:04 0:34:35 0:55:37 1:09:10 1:51:17 2:25:48 3:42:35 4:51:36
49 7:00 0:11:12 0:35:00 0:56:17 1:10:00 1:52:38 2:27:34 3:45:16 4:55:07
50 7:05 0:11:20 0:35:25 0:56:57 1:10:50 1:53:58 2:29:19 3:47:57 4:58:38
51 7:10 0:11:28 0:35:50 0:57:37 1:11:40 1:55:19 2:31:04 3:50:37 5:02:09
52 7:15 0:11:36 0:36:15 0:58:17 1:12:30 1:56:39 2:32:50 3:53:18 5:05:40
53 7:20 0:11:44 0:36:40 0:58:58 1:13:20 1:58:00 2:34:35 3:55:59 5:09:10
54 7:25 0:11:52 0:37:05 0:59:38 1:14:10 1:59:20 2:36:21 3:58:40 5:12:41
55 7:30 0:12:00 0:37:30 1:00:18 1:15:00 2:00:41 2:38:06 4:01:21 5:16:12
56 7:35 0:12:08 0:37:55 1:00:58 1:15:50 2:02:01 2:39:51 4:04:02 5:19:43
57 7:40 0:12:16 0:38:20 1:01:38 1:16:40 2:03:21 2:41:37 4:06:43 5:23:14
58 7:45 0:12:24 0:38:45 1:02:19 1:17:30 2:04:42 2:43:22 4:09:24 5:26:44
59 7:50 0:12:32 0:39:10 1:02:59 1:18:20 2:06:02 2:45:08 4:12:05 5:30:15
60 7:55 0:12:40 0:39:35 1:03:39 1:19:10 2:07:23 2:46:53 4:14:46 5:33:46
61 8:00 0:12:48 0:40:00 1:04:19 1:20:00 2:08:43 2:48:38 4:17:26 5:37:17
62 8:05 0:12:56 0:40:25 1:04:59 1:20:50 2:10:04 2:50:24 4:20:07 5:40:48
63 8:10 0:13:04 0:40:50 1:05:40 1:21:40 2:11:24 2:52:09 4:22:48 5:44:18
64 8:15 0:13:12 0:41:15 1:06:20 1:22:30 2:12:45 2:53:55 4:25:29 5:47:49
65 8:20 0:13:20 0:41:40 1:07:00 1:23:20 2:14:05 2:55:40 4:28:10 5:51:20
66 8:25 0:13:28 0:42:05 1:07:40 1:24:10 2:15:25 2:57:25 4:30:51 5:54:51
67 8:30 0:13:36 0:42:30 1:08:20 1:25:00 2:16:46 2:59:11 4:33:32 5:58:22
68 8:35 0:13:44 0:42:55 1:09:01 1:25:50 2:18:06 3:00:56 4:36:13 6:01:52
69 8:40 0:13:52 0:43:20 1:09:41 1:26:40 2:19:27 3:02:42 4:38:54 6:05:23
70 8:45 0:14:00 0:43:45 1:10:21 1:27:30 2:20:47 3:04:27 4:41:35 6:08:54
71 8:50 0:14:08 0:44:10 1:11:01 1:28:20 2:22:08 3:06:12 4:44:15 6:12:25
72 8:55 0:14:16 0:44:35 1:11:41 1:29:10 2:23:28 3:07:58 4:46:56 6:15:56
73 9:00 0:14:24 0:45:00 1:12:22 1:30:00 2:24:49 3:09:43 4:49:37 6:19:26
74 9:05 0:14:32 0:45:25 1:13:02 1:30:50 2:26:09 3:11:29 4:52:18 6:22:57
75 9:10 0:14:40 0:45:50 1:13:42 1:31:40 2:27:30 3:13:14 4:54:59 6:26:28
76 9:15 0:14:48 0:46:15 1:14:22 1:32:30 2:28:50 3:14:59 4:57:40 6:29:59
77 9:20 0:14:56 0:46:40 1:15:02 1:33:20 2:30:10 3:16:45 5:00:21 6:33:30
78 9:25 0:15:04 0:47:05 1:15:43 1:34:10 2:31:31 3:18:30 5:03:02 6:37:00
79 9:30 0:15:12 0:47:30 1:16:23 1:35:00 2:32:51 3:20:16 5:05:43 6:40:31
80 9:35 0:15:20 0:47:55 1:17:03 1:35:50 2:34:12 3:22:01 5:08:24 6:44:02
81 9:40 0:15:28 0:48:20 1:17:43 1:36:40 2:35:32 3:23:46 5:11:04 6:47:33
82 9:45 0:15:36 0:48:45 1:18:23 1:37:30 2:36:53 3:25:32 5:13:45 6:51:04
83 9:50 0:15:44 0:49:10 1:19:04 1:38:20 2:38:13 3:27:17 5:16:26 6:54:34
84 9:55 0:15:52 0:49:35 1:19:44 1:39:10 2:39:34 3:29:03 5:19:07 6:58:05
85 10:00 0:16:00 0:50:00 1:20:24 1:40:00 2:40:54 3:30:48 5:21:48 7:01:36
86 10:05 0:16:08 0:50:25 1:21:04 1:40:50 2:42:14 3:32:33 5:24:29 7:05:07
87 10:10 0:16:16 0:50:50 1:21:44 1:41:40 2:43:35 3:34:19 5:27:10 7:08:38
88 10:15 0:16:24 0:51:15 1:22:25 1:42:30 2:44:55 3:36:04 5:29:51 7:12:08
89 10:20 0:16:32 0:51:40 1:23:05 1:43:20 2:46:16 3:37:50 5:32:32 7:15:39
90 10:25 0:16:40 0:52:05 1:23:45 1:44:10 2:47:36 3:39:35 5:35:13 7:19:10
91 10:30 0:16:48 0:52:30 1:24:25 1:45:00 2:48:57 3:41:20 5:37:53 7:22:41
92 10:35 0:16:56 0:52:55 1:25:05 1:45:50 2:50:17 3:43:06 5:40:34 7:26:12
93 10:40 0:17:04 0:53:20 1:25:46 1:46:40 2:51:38 3:44:51 5:43:15 7:29:42
94 10:45 0:17:12 0:53:45 1:26:26 1:47:30 2:52:58 3:46:37 5:45:56 7:33:13
95 10:50 0:17:20 0:54:10 1:27:06 1:48:20 2:54:19 3:48:22 5:48:37 7:36:44
96 10:55 0:17:28 0:54:35 1:27:46 1:49:10 2:55:39 3:50:07 5:51:18 7:40:15
97 11:00 0:17:36 0:55:00 1:28:26 1:50:00 2:56:59 3:51:53 5:53:59 7:43:46
98 11:05 0:17:44 0:55:25 1:29:07 1:50:50 2:58:20 3:53:38 5:56:40 7:47:16
99 11:10 0:17:52 0:55:50 1:29:47 1:51:40 2:59:40 3:55:24 5:59:21 7:50:47
100 11:15 0:18:00 0:56:15 1:30:27 1:52:30 3:01:01 3:57:09 6:02:02 7:54:18
101 11:20 0:18:08 0:56:40 1:31:07 1:53:20 3:02:21 3:58:54 6:04:42 7:57:49

Always Be Flexible When Racing

Factors such as weather, terrain, and your overall fitness level can impact your pace and finish time. Always be flexible with your goals and make adjustments as needed during every race.

In addition to using a pace chart, there are other strategies that can help you run a successful bucket list marathon. These include training properly in the months leading up to the race, fueling your body with the proper nutrients before and during the race, and staying mentally focused throughout the race.

Your feet take a lot of abuse with endurance running, so make sure you’re using the best running insoles every day. Finally, if you’re looking for your next adventure, you can always find your next race at!

After the race, recover like a pro in one of the best portable cold plunge tubs.

If you are a triathlete, check out the triathlon pace calculator. If you’re a swimmer, check out our swimming pace calculator.

Good luck!

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