Marathon Pace Chart In Miles (2024)
A marathon pace chart can help runners determine the pace they need to maintain in order to finish a bucket list marathon within a specific time frame. Whether you are training for your first 5k or following our simple half marathon training plan, this chart can help you with pacing your race.
The chart lists different pace times per mile and the corresponding finish times for common race distances, including the 5k, 5 miles, 10k, 10 miles, half marathon (13.1 miles), 20 miles, and full marathon (26.2 miles).
Be sure to read How to Master Your Marathon Pacing Strategy.
Using This Marathon Pace Chart
Note: This chart is also available in a kilometer pace at Marathon Pace Chart in Kilometers Per Mile.
Find your goal finish time and match it with the corresponding pace per mile.
Marathon Pace Chart in Miles
wdt_ID | Pace per mile | 5K | 5 Miles | 10K | 10 Miles | 13.1 Miles | 20 Miles | 26.2 Miles |
1 | 5:00 | 0:15:30 | 0:25:00 | 0:31:00 | 0:50:00 | 1:05:30 | 1:40:00 | 2:11:00 |
2 | 5:05 | 0:15:46 | 0:25:25 | 0:31:31 | 0:50:50 | 1:06:36 | 1:41:40 | 2:13:11 |
3 | 5:10 | 0:16:01 | 0:25:50 | 0:32:02 | 0:51:40 | 1:07:41 | 1:43:20 | 2:15:22 |
4 | 5:15 | 0:16:17 | 0:26:15 | 0:32:33 | 0:52:30 | 1:08:47 | 1:45:00 | 2:17:33 |
5 | 5:20 | 0:16:32 | 0:26:40 | 0:33:04 | 0:53:20 | 1:09:52 | 1:46:40 | 2:19:44 |
6 | 5:25 | 0:16:48 | 0:27:05 | 0:33:35 | 0:54:10 | 1:10:58 | 1:48:20 | 2:21:55 |
7 | 5:30 | 0:17:03 | 0:27:30 | 0:34:06 | 0:55:00 | 1:12:03 | 1:50:00 | 2:24:06 |
8 | 5:35 | 0:17:19 | 0:27:55 | 0:34:37 | 0:55:50 | 1:13:09 | 1:51:40 | 2:26:17 |
9 | 5:40 | 0:17:34 | 0:28:20 | 0:35:08 | 0:56:40 | 1:14:14 | 1:53:20 | 2:28:28 |
10 | 5:45 | 0:17:50 | 0:28:45 | 0:35:39 | 0:57:30 | 1:15:20 | 1:55:00 | 2:30:39 |
11 | 5:50 | 0:18:05 | 0:29:10 | 0:36:10 | 0:58:20 | 1:16:25 | 1:56:40 | 2:32:50 |
12 | 5:55 | 0:18:21 | 0:29:35 | 0:36:41 | 0:59:10 | 1:17:31 | 1:58:20 | 2:35:01 |
13 | 6:00 | 0:18:36 | 0:30:00 | 0:37:12 | 1:00:00 | 1:18:36 | 2:00:00 | 2:37:12 |
14 | 6:05 | 0:18:52 | 0:30:25 | 0:37:43 | 1:00:50 | 1:19:42 | 2:01:40 | 2:39:23 |
15 | 6:10 | 0:19:07 | 0:30:50 | 0:38:14 | 1:01:40 | 1:20:47 | 2:03:20 | 2:41:34 |
16 | 6:15 | 0:19:23 | 0:31:15 | 0:38:45 | 1:02:30 | 1:21:53 | 2:05:00 | 2:43:45 |
17 | 6:20 | 0:19:38 | 0:31:40 | 0:39:16 | 1:03:20 | 1:22:58 | 2:06:40 | 2:45:56 |
18 | 6:25 | 0:19:54 | 0:32:05 | 0:39:47 | 1:04:10 | 1:24:04 | 2:08:20 | 2:48:07 |
19 | 6:30 | 0:20:09 | 0:32:30 | 0:40:18 | 1:05:00 | 1:25:09 | 2:10:00 | 2:50:18 |
20 | 6:35 | 0:20:25 | 0:32:55 | 0:40:49 | 1:05:50 | 1:26:15 | 2:11:40 | 2:52:29 |
21 | 6:40 | 0:20:40 | 0:33:20 | 0:41:20 | 1:06:40 | 1:27:20 | 2:13:20 | 2:54:40 |
22 | 6:45 | 0:20:56 | 0:33:45 | 0:41:51 | 1:07:30 | 1:28:26 | 2:15:00 | 2:56:51 |
23 | 6:50 | 0:21:11 | 0:34:10 | 0:42:22 | 1:08:20 | 1:29:31 | 2:16:40 | 2:59:02 |
24 | 6:55 | 0:21:27 | 0:34:35 | 0:42:53 | 1:09:10 | 1:30:37 | 2:18:20 | 3:01:13 |
25 | 7:00 | 0:21:42 | 0:35:00 | 0:43:24 | 1:10:00 | 1:31:42 | 2:20:00 | 3:03:24 |
26 | 7:05 | 0:21:58 | 0:35:25 | 0:43:55 | 1:10:50 | 1:32:48 | 2:21:40 | 3:05:35 |
27 | 7:10 | 0:22:13 | 0:35:50 | 0:44:26 | 1:11:40 | 1:33:53 | 2:23:20 | 3:07:46 |
28 | 7:15 | 0:22:29 | 0:36:15 | 0:44:57 | 1:12:30 | 1:34:59 | 2:25:00 | 3:09:57 |
29 | 7:20 | 0:22:44 | 0:36:40 | 0:45:28 | 1:13:20 | 1:36:04 | 2:26:40 | 3:12:08 |
30 | 7:25 | 0:23:00 | 0:37:05 | 0:45:59 | 1:14:10 | 1:37:10 | 2:28:20 | 3:14:19 |
31 | 7:30 | 0:23:15 | 0:37:30 | 0:46:30 | 1:15:00 | 1:38:15 | 2:30:00 | 3:16:30 |
32 | 7:35 | 0:23:31 | 0:37:55 | 0:47:01 | 1:15:50 | 1:39:21 | 2:31:40 | 3:18:41 |
33 | 7:40 | 0:23:46 | 0:38:20 | 0:47:32 | 1:16:40 | 1:40:26 | 2:33:20 | 3:20:52 |
34 | 7:45 | 0:24:02 | 0:38:45 | 0:48:03 | 1:17:30 | 1:41:32 | 2:35:00 | 3:23:03 |
35 | 7:50 | 0:24:17 | 0:39:10 | 0:48:34 | 1:18:20 | 1:42:37 | 2:36:40 | 3:25:14 |
36 | 7:55 | 0:24:33 | 0:39:35 | 0:49:05 | 1:19:10 | 1:43:43 | 2:38:20 | 3:27:25 |
37 | 8:00 | 0:24:48 | 0:40:00 | 0:49:36 | 1:20:00 | 1:44:48 | 2:40:00 | 3:29:36 |
38 | 8:05 | 0:25:04 | 0:40:25 | 0:50:07 | 1:20:50 | 1:45:54 | 2:41:40 | 3:31:47 |
39 | 8:10 | 0:25:19 | 0:40:50 | 0:50:38 | 1:21:40 | 1:46:59 | 2:43:20 | 3:33:58 |
40 | 8:15 | 0:25:35 | 0:41:15 | 0:51:09 | 1:22:30 | 1:48:05 | 2:45:00 | 3:36:09 |
41 | 8:20 | 0:25:50 | 0:41:40 | 0:51:40 | 1:23:20 | 1:49:10 | 2:46:40 | 3:38:20 |
42 | 8:25 | 0:26:06 | 0:42:05 | 0:52:11 | 1:24:10 | 1:50:16 | 2:48:20 | 3:40:31 |
43 | 8:30 | 0:26:21 | 0:42:30 | 0:52:42 | 1:25:00 | 1:51:21 | 2:50:00 | 3:42:42 |
44 | 8:35 | 0:26:37 | 0:42:55 | 0:53:13 | 1:25:50 | 1:52:27 | 2:51:40 | 3:44:53 |
45 | 8:40 | 0:26:52 | 0:43:20 | 0:53:44 | 1:26:40 | 1:53:32 | 2:53:20 | 3:47:04 |
46 | 8:45 | 0:27:08 | 0:43:45 | 0:54:15 | 1:27:30 | 1:54:38 | 2:55:00 | 3:49:15 |
47 | 8:50 | 0:27:23 | 0:44:10 | 0:54:46 | 1:28:20 | 1:55:43 | 2:56:40 | 3:51:26 |
48 | 8:55 | 0:27:39 | 0:44:35 | 0:55:17 | 1:29:10 | 1:56:49 | 2:58:20 | 3:53:37 |
49 | 9:00 | 0:27:54 | 0:45:00 | 0:55:48 | 1:30:00 | 1:57:54 | 3:00:00 | 3:55:48 |
50 | 9:05 | 0:28:10 | 0:45:25 | 0:56:19 | 1:30:50 | 1:59:00 | 3:01:40 | 3:57:59 |
51 | 9:10 | 0:28:25 | 0:45:50 | 0:56:50 | 1:31:40 | 2:00:05 | 3:03:20 | 4:00:10 |
52 | 9:15 | 0:28:41 | 0:46:15 | 0:57:21 | 1:32:30 | 2:01:11 | 3:05:00 | 4:02:21 |
53 | 9:20 | 0:28:56 | 0:46:40 | 0:57:52 | 1:33:20 | 2:02:16 | 3:06:40 | 4:04:32 |
54 | 9:25 | 0:29:12 | 0:47:05 | 0:58:23 | 1:34:10 | 2:03:22 | 3:08:20 | 4:06:43 |
55 | 9:30 | 0:29:27 | 0:47:30 | 0:58:54 | 1:35:00 | 2:04:27 | 3:10:00 | 4:08:54 |
56 | 9:35 | 0:29:43 | 0:47:55 | 0:59:25 | 1:35:50 | 2:05:33 | 3:11:40 | 4:11:05 |
57 | 9:40 | 0:29:58 | 0:48:20 | 0:59:56 | 1:36:40 | 2:06:38 | 3:13:20 | 4:13:16 |
58 | 9:45 | 0:30:14 | 0:48:45 | 1:00:27 | 1:37:30 | 2:07:44 | 3:15:00 | 4:15:27 |
59 | 9:50 | 0:30:29 | 0:49:10 | 1:00:58 | 1:38:20 | 2:08:49 | 3:16:40 | 4:17:38 |
60 | 9:55 | 0:30:45 | 0:49:35 | 1:01:29 | 1:39:10 | 2:09:55 | 3:18:20 | 4:19:49 |
61 | 10:00 | 0:31:00 | 0:50:00 | 1:02:00 | 1:40:00 | 2:11:00 | 3:20:00 | 4:22:00 |
62 | 10:05 | 0:31:16 | 0:50:25 | 1:02:31 | 1:40:50 | 2:12:06 | 3:21:40 | 4:24:11 |
63 | 10:10 | 0:31:31 | 0:50:50 | 1:03:02 | 1:41:40 | 2:13:11 | 3:23:20 | 4:26:22 |
64 | 10:15 | 0:31:47 | 0:51:15 | 1:03:33 | 1:42:30 | 2:14:17 | 3:25:00 | 4:28:33 |
65 | 10:20 | 0:32:02 | 0:51:40 | 1:04:04 | 1:43:20 | 2:15:22 | 3:26:40 | 4:30:44 |
66 | 10:25 | 0:32:18 | 0:52:05 | 1:04:35 | 1:44:10 | 2:16:28 | 3:28:20 | 4:32:55 |
67 | 10:30 | 0:32:33 | 0:52:30 | 1:05:06 | 1:45:00 | 2:17:33 | 3:30:00 | 4:35:06 |
68 | 10:35 | 0:32:49 | 0:52:55 | 1:05:37 | 1:45:50 | 2:18:39 | 3:31:40 | 4:37:17 |
69 | 10:40 | 0:33:04 | 0:53:20 | 1:06:08 | 1:46:40 | 2:19:44 | 3:33:20 | 4:39:28 |
70 | 10:45 | 0:33:20 | 0:53:45 | 1:06:39 | 1:47:30 | 2:20:50 | 3:35:00 | 4:41:39 |
71 | 10:50 | 0:33:35 | 0:54:10 | 1:07:10 | 1:48:20 | 2:21:55 | 3:36:40 | 4:43:50 |
72 | 10:55 | 0:33:51 | 0:54:35 | 1:07:41 | 1:49:10 | 2:23:01 | 3:38:20 | 4:46:01 |
73 | 11:00 | 0:34:06 | 0:55:00 | 1:08:12 | 1:50:00 | 2:24:06 | 3:40:00 | 4:48:12 |
74 | 11:05 | 0:34:22 | 0:55:25 | 1:08:43 | 1:50:50 | 2:25:12 | 3:41:40 | 4:50:23 |
75 | 11:10 | 0:34:37 | 0:55:50 | 1:09:14 | 1:51:40 | 2:26:17 | 3:43:20 | 4:52:34 |
76 | 11:15 | 0:34:53 | 0:56:15 | 1:09:45 | 1:52:30 | 2:27:23 | 3:45:00 | 4:54:45 |
77 | 11:20 | 0:35:08 | 0:56:40 | 1:10:16 | 1:53:20 | 2:28:28 | 3:46:40 | 4:56:56 |
78 | 11:25 | 0:35:24 | 0:57:05 | 1:10:47 | 1:54:10 | 2:29:34 | 3:48:20 | 4:59:07 |
79 | 11:30 | 0:35:39 | 0:57:30 | 1:11:18 | 1:55:00 | 2:30:39 | 3:50:00 | 5:01:18 |
80 | 11:35 | 0:35:55 | 0:57:55 | 1:11:49 | 1:55:50 | 2:31:45 | 3:51:40 | 5:03:29 |
81 | 11:40 | 0:36:10 | 0:58:20 | 1:12:20 | 1:56:40 | 2:32:50 | 3:53:20 | 5:05:40 |
82 | 11:45 | 0:36:26 | 0:58:45 | 1:12:51 | 1:57:30 | 2:33:56 | 3:55:00 | 5:07:51 |
83 | 11:50 | 0:36:41 | 0:59:10 | 1:13:22 | 1:58:20 | 2:35:01 | 3:56:40 | 5:10:02 |
84 | 11:55 | 0:36:57 | 0:59:35 | 1:13:53 | 1:59:10 | 2:36:07 | 3:58:20 | 5:12:13 |
85 | 12:00 | 0:37:12 | 1:00:00 | 1:14:24 | 2:00:00 | 2:37:12 | 4:00:00 | 5:14:24 |
86 | 12:05 | 0:37:28 | 1:00:25 | 1:14:55 | 2:00:50 | 2:38:18 | 4:01:40 | 5:16:35 |
87 | 12:10 | 0:37:43 | 1:00:50 | 1:15:26 | 2:01:40 | 2:39:23 | 4:03:20 | 5:18:46 |
88 | 12:15 | 0:37:59 | 1:01:15 | 1:15:57 | 2:02:30 | 2:40:29 | 4:05:00 | 5:20:57 |
89 | 12:20 | 0:38:14 | 1:01:40 | 1:16:28 | 2:03:20 | 2:41:34 | 4:06:40 | 5:23:08 |
90 | 12:25 | 0:38:30 | 1:02:05 | 1:16:59 | 2:04:10 | 2:42:40 | 4:08:20 | 5:25:19 |
91 | 12:30 | 0:38:45 | 1:02:30 | 1:17:30 | 2:05:00 | 2:43:45 | 4:10:00 | 5:27:30 |
92 | 12:35 | 0:39:01 | 1:02:55 | 1:18:01 | 2:05:50 | 2:44:51 | 4:11:40 | 5:29:41 |
93 | 12:40 | 0:39:16 | 1:03:20 | 1:18:32 | 2:06:40 | 2:45:56 | 4:13:20 | 5:31:52 |
94 | 12:45 | 0:39:32 | 1:03:45 | 1:19:03 | 2:07:30 | 2:47:02 | 4:15:00 | 5:34:03 |
95 | 12:50 | 0:39:47 | 1:04:10 | 1:19:34 | 2:08:20 | 2:48:07 | 4:16:40 | 5:36:14 |
96 | 12:55 | 0:40:03 | 1:04:35 | 1:20:05 | 2:09:10 | 2:49:13 | 4:18:20 | 5:38:25 |
97 | 13:00 | 0:40:18 | 1:05:00 | 1:20:36 | 2:10:00 | 2:50:18 | 4:20:00 | 5:40:36 |
98 | 13:05 | 0:40:34 | 1:05:25 | 1:21:07 | 2:10:50 | 2:51:24 | 4:21:40 | 5:42:47 |
99 | 13:10 | 0:40:49 | 1:05:50 | 1:21:38 | 2:11:40 | 2:52:29 | 4:23:20 | 5:44:58 |
100 | 13:15 | 0:41:05 | 1:06:15 | 1:22:09 | 2:12:30 | 2:53:35 | 4:25:00 | 5:47:09 |
101 | 13:20 | 0:41:20 | 1:06:40 | 1:22:40 | 2:13:20 | 2:54:40 | 4:26:40 | 5:49:20 |
102 | 13:25 | 0:41:36 | 1:07:05 | 1:23:11 | 2:14:10 | 2:55:46 | 4:28:20 | 5:51:31 |
103 | 13:30 | 0:41:51 | 1:07:30 | 1:23:42 | 2:15:00 | 2:56:51 | 4:30:00 | 5:53:42 |
104 | 13:35 | 0:42:07 | 1:07:55 | 1:24:13 | 2:15:50 | 2:57:57 | 4:31:40 | 5:55:53 |
105 | 13:40 | 0:42:22 | 1:08:20 | 1:24:44 | 2:16:40 | 2:59:02 | 4:33:20 | 5:58:04 |
106 | 13:45 | 0:42:38 | 1:08:45 | 1:25:15 | 2:17:30 | 3:00:08 | 4:35:00 | 6:00:15 |
107 | 13:50 | 0:42:53 | 1:09:10 | 1:25:46 | 2:18:20 | 3:01:13 | 4:36:40 | 6:02:26 |
108 | 13:55 | 0:43:09 | 1:09:35 | 1:26:17 | 2:19:10 | 3:02:19 | 4:38:20 | 6:04:37 |
109 | 14:00 | 0:43:24 | 1:10:00 | 1:26:48 | 2:20:00 | 3:03:24 | 4:40:00 | 6:06:48 |
110 | 14:05 | 0:43:40 | 1:10:25 | 1:27:19 | 2:20:50 | 3:04:30 | 4:41:40 | 6:08:59 |
111 | 14:10 | 0:43:55 | 1:10:50 | 1:27:50 | 2:21:40 | 3:05:35 | 4:43:20 | 6:11:10 |
112 | 14:15 | 0:44:11 | 1:11:15 | 1:28:21 | 2:22:30 | 3:06:41 | 4:45:00 | 6:13:21 |
113 | 14:20 | 0:44:26 | 1:11:40 | 1:28:52 | 2:23:20 | 3:07:46 | 4:46:40 | 6:15:32 |
114 | 14:25 | 0:44:42 | 1:12:05 | 1:29:23 | 2:24:10 | 3:08:52 | 4:48:20 | 6:17:43 |
115 | 14:30 | 0:44:57 | 1:12:30 | 1:29:54 | 2:25:00 | 3:09:57 | 4:50:00 | 6:19:54 |
116 | 14:35 | 0:45:13 | 1:12:55 | 1:30:25 | 2:25:50 | 3:11:03 | 4:51:40 | 6:22:05 |
117 | 14:40 | 0:45:28 | 1:13:20 | 1:30:56 | 2:26:40 | 3:12:08 | 4:53:20 | 6:24:16 |
118 | 14:45 | 0:45:44 | 1:13:45 | 1:31:27 | 2:27:30 | 3:13:14 | 4:55:00 | 6:26:27 |
119 | 14:50 | 0:45:59 | 1:14:10 | 1:31:58 | 2:28:20 | 3:14:19 | 4:56:40 | 6:28:38 |
120 | 14:55 | 0:46:15 | 1:14:35 | 1:32:29 | 2:29:10 | 3:15:25 | 4:58:20 | 6:30:49 |
121 | 15:00 | 0:46:30 | 1:15:00 | 1:33:00 | 2:30:00 | 3:16:30 | 5:00:00 | 6:33:00 |
Setting Your Goal and Pacing Strategies
Whether you’re racing a half marathon, full marathon, or some other distance, you should have a plan with a goal. Without a clear goal in mind, your training and race strategy can become unfocused, making it difficult to measure your progress and ultimately achieve the results you desire.
Your race-day strategy (and training) will be influenced by your goal. Whether you’re aiming for a consistent pace, negative splits, or a strong finish, your strategy will be guided by what you’re trying to achieve. Having a clear goal helps you make smart decisions during the race and prevents you from starting too fast or too slow.
Consistency in training leads to consistency in pacing. When you consistently train at various intensities, your body adapts to those paces. This adaptation translates into a better ability to maintain your desired pace on race day.
Some of your training runs should simulate race conditions, helping you practice pacing strategies in a controlled environment. This practice enhances your understanding of how to start, maintain, and possibly adjust your pace during the race.
Fuel Appropriately
It’s important to learn how to fuel during your runs, especially at race pace. I recommend gel-based nutrition such as Clif Shot. It’s easy to carry and keeps your energy and pace high during long runs.
Your energy won’t last forever. Depending on the distance, you’ll want to take in some calories (mostly sugar) during long runs.
For a half marathon, I’ll generally take one right before the start, then one every 3-4 miles or so during the race (depending on my running pace). So a typical fueling plan would be one gel at miles 0, 4, 7, 10.
Race Day
It is important to remember that these are just estimates and that every marathon race is different. Factors such as weather, terrain, and your overall fitness level can impact your pace and finish time. Always stay flexible and make adjustments as needed during every race.
The exact time and marathon pace of your race can vary widely, especially when in hot environments.
Race Smart
Resist the urge to think that you’re race pace will magically become faster on race day. Your marathon race day is about the execution of your training plan.
In addition to using a pace chart, there are other strategies that can help you to run a successful marathon. These include training properly in the months leading up to the race (and taking care of your feet with the right running insoles), fueling your body with the proper nutrients before and during the race, and staying mentally focused throughout the race. Also, make sure you’re not incorporating shallow breathing while running.
Set small goals for yourself and break the race into manageable segments. Many runners also find it helpful to have a mantra or positive affirmation to repeat to themselves during the race to stay motivated. Soon you’ll be qualifying for the Boston Marathon!
After the race, recover like a pro in one of the best portable cold plunge tubs.
If you are a triathlete, check out the triathlon pace calculator. Be sure to find your next race at
Good luck!
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